
Monday Bakes – S’more Cookie Cups


20140811-233428.jpgI’m bringing back Monday Bakes for the day because holy crap, these S’more Cookie Cups are amazing. As usual, I was watching Laura Vitale on YouTube and she made these cookie cups and I thought, “hey, these look easy and yummy!” So off I went to buy a mini muffin tin after work and proceeded to make these. Theoretically, they are pretty easy to make, but they take time. Video and baking preparation time lied! But they are worth it, tiny bites of gooey goodness.

Some notes:

1. Stated cooking time is 5-7 minutes, but these took me close to 10 minutes

2. Get teeny weeny marshmallows, you can fit more in there

3. Nutella makes a good substitution for the inner chocolate piece

4. While the top gets crispy and cookie like, the sides and the base are more cake-like in texture, probably because it’s pretty darn thick

5. If you haven’t got a rolling pin with a pointy end like Laura Vitale does, use a chopstick. It requires a little more effort, but it works

6. If you live in a humid/hot country like Singapore, refrigerate the dough before you put them into the muffin tins, it makes it easier to mould it to the bottom and sides of the muffin tin, thus ensuring a nicer looking base

7. Use whatever chocolate you like to top the cookie cups, I used dark chocolate because that’s what I prefer

8. Also, I have no idea how she managed to fit a Hersheys piece on top, I had to cut them into smaller pieces

9. I didn’t add in the grated chocolate, because, frankly, I was too lazy, but it’s still amazing

10. Hmm…I don’t know what else to add, but I hated having to leave it at 9, so….

For the recipe, go visit Laura Vitale’s YouTube channel.


6 thoughts on “Monday Bakes – S’more Cookie Cups

  1. I love your blog, your posts are beautiful! I just followed you, it would be great if we can support each other 🙂 I am so glad I got to discover you ❤


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